Having a well-defined worldview is essential for individuals to navigate the complexities of life and make informed decisions. It serves as a foundational lens through which we perceive and interpret the world around us.


  • What is it?

    A worldview can be described as a comprehensive framework of beliefs, values, assumptions, and perspectives that shape an individual’s understanding of reality. It encompasses one’s fundamental ideas about the nature of existence, the purpose of life, and the principles that guide human behavior.

  • Why is It Important?

    Discovering your worldview is of utmost importance because it enables you to gain self-awareness and develop a coherent perspective on life. Understanding your worldview empowers you to make informed decisions that align with your core values and beliefs. It helps you establish a sense of identity, provides a moral compass, and shapes your attitudes towards different aspects of life. By exploring and critically examining your worldview, you can become more conscious of your biases, expand your knowledge, and foster personal growth.

  • How to Obtain It

    To facilitate the process of discovering your worldview, Aruka offers a comprehensive questionnaire that explores five fundamental areas of belief: God, Humanity, Truth, Ethics, and Knowledge. The questionnaire consists of ten thought-provoking questions in each of these categories. By engaging with these questions, you will be prompted to reflect on your beliefs, values, and perspectives within each domain. This self-reflection allows you to better understand your position on various philosophical, moral, and existential issues, leading to a clearer and more defined worldview.

  • How It Influences Your Health

    In addition to providing a framework for understanding the world, developing a worldview has significant implications for our overall health and well-being. It shapes our attitudes, influences our behaviors, and impacts our mental, emotional, and even physical health. Your worldview influences how your internal software operates. This internal software system is what we call your Inner Person or Psyche. It is the product of your mind, emotions, will, spirit, and character. The character is the internal you that is communicated to others through your personality. Your level of physical health is largely influenced, for good or bad, by your inner person.